Tuesday, 18 September 2012

There is Life after Death…

Astrologer Dayanidhi Iyyengar

There is one thing that is certain in this lifetime: eventually we all must die. A belief in the cyclical reincarnation of the soul is one of the foundations of the Hindu religion. Death is viewed as a natural aspect of life, and there are numerous epic tales, sacred scriptures, and vedic guidance that describe the reason for death's existence, the rituals that should be performed surrounding it and the many possible destinations of the soul after departure from its earthly existence. While the ultimate goal is to transcend the need to return to life on earth, all Hindus believe they will be reborn into a future that is based primarily on their past thoughts and actions. Most of the Hindus believe in the cycle of birth, death and rebirth, which is called 'Samsara'.'Samsara' or the doctrine of rebirth is also known as the theory of reincarnation or of transmigration of the soul.

This doctrine is considered to be a basic tenet of Hinduism. According to doctrine of rebirth, differences between individuals, even at the time of their birth are due to their past karma i.e. actions done in the past birth. For example if one child is born healthy while another is handicapped or blind, the differences are attributed to their deeds in their previous lives. Those who believe in this theory reason that since all actions may not bear fruit in this life, there has to be another life for facing or reaping the consequences of one's actions.

Some people know ahead of time when their death will occur. Terminal illnesses, when diagnosed ahead of time, allow a person to set his or her affairs in order, make relationships right, and say goodbye to loved ones. In these cases, every person involved has a chance to gradually adjust and make peace with death, as much as possible. However, not everyone has this chance. Many deaths occur suddenly. Death can, and often does, strike without warning.

No one is promised tomorrow. The only thing we can count on is today, Now!

Many people around the world turn to religion to answer questions about death and the afterlife, especially when someone is facing his or her own mortality. Strangely, even a brief glance at many of the world’s religions reveals that many theologies glamorize death, promising rewards in the afterlife, including increased understanding of God and the universe and even, in some cases, supernatural powers that were unavailable during the mortal life. Death often seems more attractive than being alive.

  From the point of view of Hinduism, dying may be compared to falling asleep and after-death experiences to dreams. The thoughts and actions of the waking state determine the nature of our dreams. Similarly, after death the soul experiences the results of the thoughts it entertained and the actions it performed during its life on earth. After-death experiences are real to the soul, just as a dream is real to the dreamer, and may continue for ages. Then, when the soul wakes up after this sleep, it finds itself reborn as a human being.

According to the Hindu scriptures, some souls after death also may be born as human beings without going through the experiences of heaven or hell. There is no real break in the spiritual evolution of the soul toward Self-knowledge. Even the soul's lapse into sub-human birth from human life is a mere detour. A dying man's next life is determined by his last thought in the present life. The Bhagavad Gita says: "For whatever objects a man thinks of at the final moment, when he leaves the body - that alone does he attain, O son of Kunti, being ever absorbed in the thought thereof."  And the last thought of the dying person inevitably reflects his inmost desire. These different courses after death have been described to warn people against neglecting the path of Self-knowledge, which alone can confer immortality and eternal peace and happiness.

Planets can play a part in death and dying. All of them do. You cannot look at just one planet, one aspect or one configuration--it is the culmination of all of them that must be looked at in totality. And even then, if the person decides to utilize this death energy on another plane of expression, they'll keep on living and breathing and being around for some time to come!!


Sun can be intimately tied into our death time.The two big "triggers" in progressed charts is your Mars and Sun. Many times, in many deaths, the Sun is not prominent. With the Sun involved, it usually means the person has truly fulfilled all there soul desires this time around and it is a natural time to move on.A Sun death can be slow or quick. Usually, there is some beautiful gift of awareness, a deeper soul connection made with the self before passing--a gift is given because these people have earned such grace by working hard, being responsible and shouldering the loads they came in to carry and learn from or give back to humanity in the balance of their unique karma.


Jupiter is involved in aggressive cancers where there is cellular regeneration at optimum, and tumors are present, or an aggressive lymphoma. Ailments involving the liver can also come from this planet, as well. Tumors are Jupiter's "thing." It is also, by co-rulership of the liver, tied into the lymphatic system as well which is why, in many forms of cancer and dying of cancer, the Jupiter is active by transit or progression. On the other hand, Jupiter is also the "guardian angel" provided it is in good, soft aspect at the time. If it is, it means a gentle, non-struggling death. Transit is easy and comes all at once, although the person may linger for days, weeks, or even months. With a good Jupiter aspect around at the time, the person does not suffer as much. They will also have a wonderful, optimistic, open attitude about their passing into the next world.


When someone is in the process of dying, Venus or Jupiter would be always around. They are both "guardian angels" of a type; although Jupiter's other side can be heavily involved in a death. Venus promises no suffering, or a very short period of suffering. There is grace with this planet when it comes to dying. It says that the dying will be "easy" or painless or less of something other than it could have been. Venus is sometimes seen in deaths where the person dies in their sleep. Venus around is good because the person sees his journey into death as something beautiful, creative and an opening, not an ending or a closing or a loss.

Rahu and Ketu

The Moon's Nodes are intimately concerned with the forging of connections and the dissolving of connections. These connections are with other people, places, associations, groups, your company/corporation and possibly, the country you live in.We are constantly cutting ties and making new ones. The North Node is about creating new ties. That can be seen as dying and going to a more ethereal place of existence.

The South Node is about creating old connections with old, familiar places, people or things.They will be active in a marriage, in a divorce, in a birth, in a death, in the creation of a company, or the dissolvement of a corporation or country.


Mars acts as a "trigger" for death or a near-death experience. It also rules knives, guns and fires. You will see an active Mars in a lot of violent shootings. Mars is about a violent death of some sort -through some kind of sport-related accident or a car accident. Mars rules mechanical things and machinery and often, people slice off a finger, get their arm ripped off in a combine, or are decapitated or lose a leg in an accident. Mars is one of the co-rulers of surgery, so any accident involving Mars can mean minor or major surgery, too. Since Mars rules anger, temper and the male harmone testosterone, these additions can make or break if there will be an accident or death--or not. Deaths are usually violent and sudden and the person may die instantly (as in a bullet to the head) or linger on for a couple of days, and maybe a week--but no more than that. A Mars death is clean and swift.


Uranus is implicated in surgery and accidents. Usually accidents of a "weird" or unusual nature--such as sky diving, bungee jumping, while you're skiing you run into and hit a tree and kill yourself--or some other loopy, dumb kind of thing that no one would ever think could happen and create an accident. Uranus also rules airplanes and flight.It also rules over lightning and electricity--so many people get a jolt--either by a cord, by a lightning bolt or zapped through some strange, odd way. Surgery is co-ruled with Uranus along with Mars. With Uranus, you can have a "weird" car accident, or unexpected surgery .A Uranus death is always sudden. There is no lingering on with this planet.


Saturn is often seen as Father Time--when your time's up--you're going. Father Time is here for all of us. We are all going to die some day. However, we move through many "mini-deaths" throughout our lives on the spiritual, emotional and mental level, too. And Time does erode our body so that when we're in our sixties, our body does not function as a twenty-year old's will, too. Its your choice on how you handle Saturn's energy.A Saturn death is a lingering death. It doesn't happen quickly; it happens over time. Sometimes, a long, suffering time. Saturn is one of the planet's of longevity in one's life, also. The good side of Saturn, so to speak. A conjunction, sextile or trine between this planet and your Sun can give you a long, long life, although the whole chart must be taken into consideration for this.